Candle Safety Rules

Always keep a burning candle within sight. 

Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. 

Keep burning candles out of the reach of children and pets.

Trim candlewicks to ¼ inch each time before burning. 

Always use a candle-holder specifically designed for candle use. 

Be sure the candle-holder is placed on a stable, heat-resistant surface. 

Keep the wax pool free of wick trimmings, matches and debris at all times.

Do not burn for longer than 4 hours at a time.

Keep burning candles away from drafts, vents, ceiling fans and air currents. 

Always burn candles in a well-ventilated room. 

Never touch or move a burning candle or container candle when the wax is liquid.

Place burning candles at least three inches apart from one another. 

Use a snuffer to extinguish a candle. 

Never extinguish candles with water.

Extinguish a candle if it repeatedly smokes, flickers, or the flame becomes too high. Cool, trim the wick, then check for drafts before relighting.

Never use a candle as a night light.